Marketing, communication and acknowledgement guidelines

Grant acknowledgment requirements for infrastructure projects

The State Government, through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) provides significant grant funding for sport and recreation facilities in Western Australia.

In receipt of grant funding, sport and recreation organisations must acknowledge the contribution made by DLGSC in appropriate ways.

There are a number of ways funding can be acknowledged. These include but are not limited to:

During construction signage

Any other signage erected promoting the project or informing the public must include the State’s logo (available from the DLGSC website) and acknowledge the contribution by the State. Signage should be sent to DLGSC for approval prior to erection.

Signage after project completion

The State may choose to provide signage upon project completion. If so, this should be displayed in a prominent place for at least 3 years. If the organisation wants to install their own signage or plaque, it must display the State’s logo and be approved by DLSGC prior to installation.

Assistance to DLGSC

The organisation must provide reasonable assistance to the State to enable the State to conduct any research, evaluation, or promotion of or in relation to the project.

Official openings

The Minister for Sport and Recreation and a representative from DLGSC must be invited to any official openings or media opportunities regarding the project. The Minister must  be provided the opportunity to make a speech (if appropriate) and take part in any official procedures.

Requests can be sent directly to the Minster’s office at

Verbal acknowledgement

The State Government will be acknowledged as a major supporter of the project in speeches, interviews and public announcements. The suggested wording for this acknowledgement is:

The State Government, through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural  Industries, is a major supporter of community sport and recreation facilities in Western Australia. Sport and recreation builds stronger, healthier, happier and safer communities.  When we play sport our whole community wins.

Written acknowledgement

The State Government will be acknowledged in all public material of the project. The suggested wording for this acknowledgement is:

  • The State Government, through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, is a major supporter of community sport and recreation facilities in Western Australia. Sport and recreation builds stronger, healthier, happier and safer communities. When we play sport our whole community wins.
  • The project was funded by the State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries as part of the election commitment grant program.


The DLGSC logo must be included on all print material as agreed with and approved by DLGSC, including but not limited to:

  • facility opening and events
  • promotional material
  • brochures/flyers/posters
  • certificates/awards
  • newsletters
  • website.

The DLGSC logo can be downloaded from the DLGSC website.

Note: the size and positioning of the DLGSC logo on all print material must reflect DLGSC as a major supporter.


Any media releases will acknowledge DLGSC as a major supporter as per written acknowledgement above. All media releases should be sent to DLGSC for approval prior to being released.

The funded organisation will endeavour to gain pictorial, written and/or verbal acknowledgement for DLGSC in all print and electronic media opportunities.

Social media

Any social media regarding the project should include the following recognition of DLGSC: tagging DLGSC’s account on the appropriate platform:

Page reviewed 24 July 2024