Connecting Cultures through Cricket is a WA Cricket cultural awareness initiative that helped the Willetton Junior Cricket Club create a welcoming and inclusive club environment.
The initiative is available to club coaches, managers, committee members and volunteers focused on inclusion and participation. It helps club members identify the importance of nurturing a welcoming club environment through engagement and sharing ideas and experiences with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds.
The Willetton Junior Cricket Club participated in the initiative to build cultural awareness and understanding to complement its growing trend of club members and stakeholders with CaLD backgrounds — particularly within its committee.
15 coaches, managers and committee members took part in a ‘MY Youth Connect’ cultural awareness session.
Here, they developed their knowledge of multicultural communities, with topics covering building cultural capability, strategies to bridge across cultures and creating welcoming and inclusive clubs.
This initiative was supported through the Sport and Recreation Inclusive Participation Grants Program, which provides grants up to $150,000 to help organisations create accessible and safe physical activity opportunities for low participation groups.