About the program
Coaches and officials are an integral part of the sport and recreation industry and play an important leadership role in athlete development and supporting a positive and safe training and game day environment.
At a local level, targeted stakeholder engagement and collaboration were used to identify relevant coaching and official concepts, gaps in provision, as well as the opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the future direction
and sustainability of coaches and officials in Western Australia (WA).
The Coaching and Officiating Grants Program provides financial support to assist state sporting associations (SSAs) to develop and implement sustainable strategies and initiatives that support and develop new and existing coaches and officials in
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is seeking applications from SSAs for projects that develop strategies and deliver initiatives to recruit, educate, develop and retain coaches and officials.
The DLGSC will prioritise applications that meet 1 or more of the following:
- smaller SSAs (Industry Investment Program Category C, D, E, F and Provisional SSAs)
- provide development opportunities for coaches and officials in regional WA
- provides access for coaches and officials to scholarships to achieve their career goals through higher level experience and qualifications
- SSAs that have a sport specific coaching and officiating strategy
- SSAs that did not receive funding in the 2022/23 round of the Coaching and Officiating Grants Program.
The DLGSC encourages organisations to consider applying for coaching and officiating projects that support and broaden diversity and inclusion. This may include projects that support youth, women, culturally and linguistically diverse, all abilities and
Indigenous coaches and officials.
Outcome and objectives
The outcome of the Coaching and Officiating Grants Program is that:
- SSAs are supported to recruit, educate, develop and retain coaches and officials in WA.
The objectives of the Coaching and Officiating Grants Program are to:
- build the capacity of SSAs to provide sustainable programs and pathways to support coaches and officials
- support SSAs to provide access to development opportunities, higher level qualifications and accreditations for all coaches and officials in WA
- support SSAs to develop and implement strategies to recruit and retain coaches and officials.
Eligible organisations
The following organisations are eligible to apply:
To be eligible for funding, organisations must:
- be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 2015 (WA) or a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001
- possess an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. A certificate of currency of insurance for the coming year should be provided upon application. Please note, for public liability insurance, a minimum value of $10
million per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim is required.
In addition, the following will apply:
- Organisations must commit to ensuring a COVID-19 safe environment and complying with all relevant regulations.
- Organisations with outstanding acquittals for any DLGSC grant may have payments withheld until outstanding acquittal documentation is satisfactorily completed.
Ineligible organisations
- State and Commonwealth Government agencies
- unincorporated not-for-profit organisations
- commercial or for-profit organisations
- educational institutions/agencies including schools, universities, and TAFE colleges
- local government authorities
- community organisations
- local sport or active recreation clubs and associations
- state active recreation organisations and peak bodies.