Community Place Based Grants Program guidelines


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The Western Australian Government is committed to the vision of all children and young people in Western Australia (WA) having the support and opportunities to live their lives to their full potential. It is also focused on improving long-term, sustainable outcomes for vulnerable children and young people, their families and communities in WA.

Many vulnerable children and young people face complex challenges with multiple issues associated with family dysfunction, child protection concerns, mental health, social and emotional well-being concerns, disability and neurodevelopment issues, parental offending, homelessness and economic and social disadvantage. For Aboriginal children and young people there may be additional challenges associated with living in regional and remote settings, intergenerational trauma and disadvantages for health and well-being.

Interventions to address the diverse needs of vulnerable children and young people requires collaboration across sectors including child protection, housing and homelessness, family and domestic violence, youth services, disability and community services. The WA Government, through these sectors, has developed strategies to address these needs including:


Sport and recreation plays an important role in strengthening WA communities. It can also play a role in empowering vulnerable children and young people, their families and communities and increase their social and emotional competencies that reduces involvement in crime and anti-social behaviours. Sport and recreation opportunities can provide positive experiences and promote a sense of well-being, fair play and respect.

The Minister for Sport and Recreation's Key priorities for 2023-25 has a vision for the WA Government and the sport and recreation sector to work in partnership to deliver a safe and inclusive environment for all to participate in sport and recreation. Three priorities focus on addressing the needs of vulnerable children and young people including:

  • Diversity — deliver inclusion strategies in partnership with diverse groups.
  • Children and Young people — partner with other organisations, including schools and early learning environments, to ensure all children and young people are enabled to participate in active sport and recreation.
  • Children and Young people — ensure sport and recreation opportunities are cost effective.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) recognises the challenges faced by regional communities, particularly with escalating youth crime. In alignment with DLGSC's Strategic Plan, specifically the pillars of Healthy Living and Connected Communities, the Community Place Based Grants Program has been developed to complement WA Government strategies and address the Minister's priorities. This program will support the delivery of after-school and holiday programs that incorporate sport and recreation activities, providing positive experiences for vulnerable children and young people. 

About the program

DLGSC has developed the Community Place Based Grants Program to support community-led initiatives that address local priorities for vulnerable children and young people who require extra support to achieve positive life outcomes through sport and recreation activities.

The Community Place Based Grants Program provides financial support to organisations to develop and deliver co-designed, place based structured sport and recreation out-of-school activity programs in identified regional locations in Western Australia.

The program includes a process to work collaboratively with local government, Aboriginal leaders and community service organisations to incorporate sport and recreation in community-led activities and events that target vulnerable children and young people and their families.

DLGSC is seeking applications from organisations in targeted regional and remote locations in Western Australia for one to 3—year projects that will achieve the program’s outcome and objectives.

DLGSC encourages organisations to consider applying for Community Place Based initiatives that support and broaden diversity and inclusion.

Outcome and objectives

The outcomes of the Community Place Based Grants Program are that:

  • Vulnerable children and young people are positively engaged in sport and recreation activities during out-of-school hours.
  • Sport and recreation activities are incorporated into out-of-school programs that target vulnerable children and young people. 
The objectives of the Community Place Based Grants Program are to
  • Plan and deliver an out-of-school program that includes sport and recreation activities for vulnerable children and young people in identified regional locations.
  • Work collaboratively with identified groups and/or organisations to support the implementation of community-led children and youth strategies.  


Vulnerable children and young people
Children and young people with multiple and complex problems who are at risk of harm and have increased susceptibility of experiencing poor life outcomes. This includes children and young people with repeated contact with the child protection and youth justice systems, Aboriginals, in out-of-home care, care leavers, young parents and young people experiencing homelessness.
Sport is a human activity capable of achieving a result requiring physical exertion and/or physical skill which by nature and organisation, is competitive and is generally accepted as being a sport.
Active recreation
Active recreation are activities engaged in for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment with the primary activity requiring physical exertion, and the primary focus on human activity.
Community sport and recreation service providers
Organisations with core business that includes providing sport and active recreation activities for vulnerable children and young people.
Community service providers
Organisations that service vulnerable children and young people that provide support to sustain and nurture functioning of individuals and groups, to address physical, social and economic disadvantage, maximise their potential and to enhance community wellbeing.

Eligible organisations

The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • community sport and recreation service providers
  • community service providers
  • Local Government Authorities (LGAs)
  • Indigenous corporations.

To be eligible for funding, organisations must:

  • be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 2015 (WA) or a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 or an Indigenous organisation under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) or be registered as a Local Government Entity in Western Australia
  • possess an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. A certificate of currency of insurance for the coming year should be provided upon application. Please note, for Public Liability Insurance, a minimum value of $10 million per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim is required.

In addition, the following will apply:

  • Organisations with outstanding acquittals for any DLGSC grant may have payments withheld until outstanding acquittal documentation is satisfactorily completed.

Ineligible organisations

  • State and Commonwealth government agencies
  • unincorporated not-for-profit organisations
  • commercial or for-profit organisations
  • educational institutions/agencies including schools, universities and TAFE colleges.

Community place based grants program investment framework

  • The Community Place Based Grants Program is an application-based program with funding allocated to support the scope and reach of projects.
  • The program is a targeted and competitive grants program with applications assessed against the assessment criteria and ranked based on the merits of proposals.
  • Organisations can apply for between $5000 to $50,000 per annum to deliver school holiday programs/activities. 
  • Organisations can apply for between $50,000 to $100,000 per annum to deliver year­ long (weekly) programs/activities.
  • Single year grants are available with project delivery dates as follows:
  • 1 year projects must be delivered from 1 July 2025 and conclude by 30 June 2026.
  • 2year projects must be delivered from 1 July 2025 and conclude by 30 June 2027.
  • 3 year projects must be delivered from 1 July 2025 and conclude by 30 June 2028.
  • Organisations should contribute a minimum of 10% financial and/or in-kind support to the total project costs.
  • Grants should not constitute the entire financial base of an organisation.
  • Auspice arrangements are not accepted.

The program will invest in projects as follows:

Start-up projects

Grant typeFunding rangeLength of grant
Delivery of school holiday programs/activities$5000 to $50,000 per annumSingle year
Delivery of year-long programs/activities (weekly)$50,000 to $100,000 per annumSingle year

Established projects

Grant typeFunding rangeLength of grant
Delivery of school holiday programs/activities$5000 to $50,000 per annum2 or 3 years
Delivery of year-long programs/activities (weekly)$50,000 to $50,000 per annum2 or 3 years

Funding can be used for

  • project-based staffing costs (for example, engagement of a contract project officer)
  • consultant fees and/or presenter fees associated with delivery of relevant education, workshops and training courses
  • registration fees to attend relevant education, training and workshops
  • training of volunteers and required approvals (for example, attainment of coaching and instructor skills/qualifications, Working with Children Checks, first aid training for volunteers)
  • venue and equipment hire (not owned or occupied by applicant)
  • intrastate travel and accommodation costs (for example, presenter/program delivery personnel travel to regional locations from Perth)
  • transport costs (for example vehicle hire and fuel)
  • advertising, publicity, promotion, marketing, printing and publishing costs
  • reasonable catering for participants and volunteers directly involved during project delivery
  • provision of interpreting and translating services.

Funding may not be used for

  • one off camps and events (focus is on regular activities over a period)
  • individual membership fees
  • meals and daily allowance for staff
  • existing, ongoing or recurrent organisational costs (for example, non-project­ related salaries, insurance, lease or rental payments, administration expenses)
  • projects that would be more appropriately supported through an alternative funding source or existing DLGSC grants program
  • projects undertaken outside Western Australia
  • programs that have already taken place or have commenced
  • capital works (for example, purchase of land or buildings, repairs, extensions, renovations, maintenance or trail construction)
  • purchase of capital equipment (for example, computers, photocopiers and vehicles)
  • trophies, prize money or gifts
  • hospitality functions (for example, award dinners, catering, alcohol, entertainment).

How to apply

Applicant information

  • read and understand the grant guidelines before commencing the application process
  • you must discuss your project with your local DLGSC regional office before applying
  • only one application per organisation will be considered
  • late applications will not be accepted
  • incomplete applications may be considered unsuccessful upon submission
  • complete all sections of the application form and submit with the following supporting documentation:
    • a detailed project plan
    • a comprehensive budget
    • a copy of your organisation’s incorporation certificate
    • a copy of current public liability insurance certificate (minimum required is $10 million).
  • Submit your application form and supporting documentation via the DLGSC website link provided on the application form by the program closing date as advertised.

You will receive an automated confirmation via email when you submit your application. If you do not receive the confirmation email, contact DLGSC on the details below before the application closing time.

Funding rounds

RoundOpenCloseProject beginning after/betweenNotificationCategory
February 20259:00AM 24 February 20254:00PM 21 March 2025
From 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026 or 
1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027 or
1 July 2025 to 30 June 2028
May 2025

Start-up projects (one-year funding)

Established projects (multi-year funding) 


Assessment and approval

Assessment and approval process

Applications will be:

  • assessed by DLGSC for compliance with the eligibility criteria
  • assessed by DLGSC Grants Assessors against the assessment criteria
  • reviewed by an independent panel for strategic alignment, merit and value for money. The panel will comprise two independent DLGSC staff and one independent external assessor with relevant expertise
  • applications outside the planned timelines {out-of-round) will be reviewed by an independent reviewer for strategic alignment, merit, and value for money. The reviewer will be a DLGSC staff member with relevant expertise at Manager up to Executive level
  • forwarded to the Minister for Sport and Recreation to approve the recommended applicants as per the relevant funding source legislation
  • successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing. Applicants may not be successful or may not be funded to the full amount requested.

Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed against the following 5 criteria:

Community need

The application highlights the needs of vulnerable and at-risk children and young people in the specified project locations, detailing how these needs have been identified through methods such as community consultation, research and trend analysis. Potential benefits could include:
  • reduced anti-social behaviour
  • improved education outcomes.


The application demonstrates that conducting the project will achieve the following:

  • plan and deliver an out-of-school program that includes sport and recreation activities for vulnerable and at-risk children and young people in identified regional locations.

If your project has a capacity-building component, the application also demonstrates the project will:

  • build the capacity, skills and knowledge of local people to deliver sport and recreation activities.


The application demonstrates that the project will identify the key stakeholders; and be co-designed in collaboration with identified key stakeholders such as local leaders, community groups and/or organisations and local government.

Organisation capacity and capability

The organisation demonstrates their readiness, capacity and capability to deliver the project and manage identified risks. 

Project plan and budget

The application is supported by a detailed project plan and demonstrates how the project will be promoted. The project is based on a comprehensive budget and represents value for money.

Each assessment criteria are weighted equally.

Conditions of funding agreements


  • If your organisation has an ABN and is registered for Good and Services Tax (GST), the grant will be grossed up by 10% of the grant amount.
  • If your organisation has an ABN and is not registered for GST, no GST will be paid.

Grant agreement

  • Approved applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement that outlines the grant conditions, key deliverables, quarterly reporting and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the eligible applicant body.
  • No grant monies will be paid to an individual.

Acquittal requirements

  • Start up projects (1-year) — at the completion of the project, your organisation will be required to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement.
  • Multi-Year projects — at the completion of the first and second years (for 3-year funding) of the project, your organisation will be required to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement and develop and agree to a key results schedule for the next project period. At the completion of the project, your organisation will need to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement.
  • Your acquittal report must be submitted within 30 days of the project completion date as specified in the grant agreement.

DLGSC acknowledgement and evaluation

  • Successful organisations will be required to acknowledge DLGSC. Further details will be provided to successful applicants within their grant agreement.
  • Successful organisations will be required to participate in any research and/or evaluations relating to this funding and/or funded projects.

Freedom of information

  • DLGSC will adhere to the provisions of the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act (1992) in relation to requests for information originating from DLGSC.
  • Information not originating from DLGSC but provided to DLGSC will not be released without prior consultation with or permission by the relevant organisation.


  • All information provided to DLGSC during the grant assessment process will be stored on a database that will only be accessed by authorised DLGSC staff.
  • That database is subject to privacy restrictions in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1998) and the Freedom of Information Act (1992).

Contact by Minister or local Member of Parliament

  • By applying for this program, applicants acknowledge and accept that successful applicants may be contacted by the Minister for Sport and Recreation or their local Member of Parliament to discuss their grant.
  • Applicants acknowledge that the contact details of the applicant may be provided to their local Member of Parliament for this purpose.
  • If you do not wish for your details to be provided to your local Member of Parliament, you may 'opt-out' at the time of application.

Appeals and complaints

When you submit an application, your application is subject to a competitive assessment process. Your application is assessed against the assessment criteria and all applicants are notified of the outcome of their application as soon as possible following the conclusion of the assessment process.

Appealing an unsuccessful application

Appeals will only be considered where there is an alleged breach of the assessment process. If you believe that the proper assessment process has not been followed for your grant application, please discuss your concerns with the relevant DLGSC contact for the grant program.

Lodging a complaint

If, following discussion with the relevant DLGSC contact for the grant program, you consider your concerns have not been adequately addressed, you can lodge a complaint with DLGSC, in writing, by following the instructions outlined in the feedback section of the DLGSC website.

Further information

To discuss your event, competition or sport development opportunity concept or to obtain assistance to complete your application, please contact your DLGSC regional office.

Toby Cotterell
Regional Manager — Pilbara
Telephone 61 8 9182 2122
246 Vincent Street, Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 8349, Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Page reviewed 26 February 2025