The Western Australian Government is committed to the vision of all children and young people in Western Australia (WA) having the support and opportunities to live their lives to their full potential. It is also focused on improving long-term, sustainable outcomes for vulnerable children and young people, their families and communities in WA.
Many vulnerable children and young people face complex challenges with multiple issues associated with family dysfunction, child protection concerns, mental health, social and emotional well-being concerns, disability and neurodevelopment issues, parental offending, homelessness and economic and social disadvantage. For Aboriginal children and young people there may be additional challenges associated with living in regional and remote settings, intergenerational trauma and disadvantages for health and well-being.
Sport and recreation plays an important role in strengthening WA communities. It can also play a role in empowering vulnerable children and young people, their families and communities and increase their social and emotional competencies that reduces involvement in crime and anti-social behaviours. Sport and recreation opportunities can provide positive experiences and promote a sense of well-being, fair play and respect.
The Minister for Sport and Recreation's Key priorities for 2023-25 has a vision for the WA Government and the sport and recreation sector to work in partnership to deliver a safe and inclusive environment for all to participate in sport and recreation. Three priorities focus on addressing the needs of vulnerable children and young people including:
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) recognises the challenges faced by regional communities, particularly with escalating youth crime. In alignment with DLGSC's Strategic Plan, specifically the pillars of Healthy Living and Connected Communities, the Community Place Based Grants Program has been developed to complement WA Government strategies and address the Minister's priorities. This program will support the delivery of after-school and holiday programs that incorporate sport and recreation activities, providing positive experiences for vulnerable children and young people.
DLGSC has developed the Community Place Based Grants Program to support community-led initiatives that address local priorities for vulnerable children and young people who require extra support to achieve positive life outcomes through sport and recreation activities.
The outcomes of the Community Place Based Grants Program are that:
The following organisations are eligible to apply:
To be eligible for funding, organisations must:
In addition, the following will apply:
The program will invest in projects as follows:
You will receive an automated confirmation via email when you submit your application. If you do not receive the confirmation email, contact DLGSC on the details below before the application closing time.
Start-up projects (one-year funding)
Established projects (multi-year funding)
Applications will be:
Applications will be assessed against the following 5 criteria:
The application demonstrates that conducting the project will achieve the following:
If your project has a capacity-building component, the application also demonstrates the project will:
The application demonstrates that the project will identify the key stakeholders; and be co-designed in collaboration with identified key stakeholders such as local leaders, community groups and/or organisations and local government.
The organisation demonstrates their readiness, capacity and capability to deliver the project and manage identified risks.
The application is supported by a detailed project plan and demonstrates how the project will be promoted. The project is based on a comprehensive budget and represents value for money.
Each assessment criteria are weighted equally.
When you submit an application, your application is subject to a competitive assessment process. Your application is assessed against the assessment criteria and all applicants are notified of the outcome of their application as soon as possible following the conclusion of the assessment process.
Appeals will only be considered where there is an alleged breach of the assessment process. If you believe that the proper assessment process has not been followed for your grant application, please discuss your concerns with the relevant DLGSC contact for the grant program.
If, following discussion with the relevant DLGSC contact for the grant program, you consider your concerns have not been adequately addressed, you can lodge a complaint with DLGSC, in writing, by following the instructions outlined in the feedback section of the DLGSC website.
To discuss your event, competition or sport development opportunity concept or to obtain assistance to complete your application, please contact your DLGSC regional office.