There are 3 rounds of CSRFF per year. 2 small grant rounds (open in February and July) and 1 forward planning round (opens in July).
Total project cost up to $500,000
The CSRFF small grants program targets projects involving a basic level of planning. The total project cost for grant must not exceed $500,000. Grants given in this category must be claimed in the financial year following the date of approval. For projects with a grant request below $2500 it is expected that the applicant should be able to fully fund these.
Examples of small grant projects:
Applicants should check the closing date with their local governments, as they do vary.
Applications are assessed by department regional managers.
Total project cost over $500,000
The CSRFF forward planning grant round targets projects involving a detailed level of planning. The total project cost for the grant must be over $500,000. Grants given in this category can be claimed up to 3 financial years following the date of approval, depending on the requirements and approved details of the project.
Examples of annual projects: