Innovation Challenge Program

A grants program for organisations, providing investment for innovative projects that increase physical activity participation in the community.

The Innovation Challenge Program, administered by the department in partnership with Healthway, is a grants program for organisations, providing investment for innovative projects that increase physical activity participation in the community.

The program is designed to encourage business innovation and the use of technology to drive and grow sport and recreation. Projects will be supported based on community need, innovation, sustainability of outcomes and consideration of return on investment. 


  • Incorporated sporting, recreation and community organisations and associations.
  • Local governments, tertiary institutions or community-based organisations who partner with a sport and active recreation organisations (Healthway only); Companies Limited by Guarantee where the company is wholly owned by a State Sporting Organisation.

What you must have to be eligible to apply?

  • Be incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA), or an Indigenous organisation under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI), or a local government or a company limited by guarantee;
  • Possess an Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • Maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. A certificate of currency of insurance/s for the coming year should be provided upon application. Please note, for Public Liability Insurance, a minimum value of $10 million per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim is required;
  • Your organisation conforms with relevant State and Federal legislation (e.g. Working with Children (Criminal Records Checking), Liquor Control, and Drugs in Sport);
  • Your organisation has appropriate Health and Safety and Risk Management policies and practices in place to deliver the project(s).
Note: Organisations will not receive funding if they have any outstanding grant acquittal requirements with the Sport and Recreation Service Area of DLGSC and/or Healthway.

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

  • Active recreation organisations
  • Community organisations
  • Community sport clubs
  • Education institutions
  • Local governments
  • Peak bodies
  • State sporting associations
  • Tertiary organisations

Amount available

  • Development and delivery of a pilot project: up to $150,000
  • Development of a new concept only: up to $50,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Innovation Challenge Program guidelines

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
2021 12:00am 29 January 2021 Not applicable 11:59pm 31 March 2021 July 2021 to June 2022
  • Development of a new concept only
  • Development and delivery of a pilot project

Application process

During the application process, organisations will have the chance to pitch their ideas to a panel face to face or by video submission.

Funding for the program is being administered in two streams. The Healthway stream will support innovative ideas that create physical activity opportunities for disengaged young people and inactive girls and women.

The department stream is encourages ideas that allow sport and recreation organisations to streamline their business and deliver their activity in an innovative way. The department will also consider ideas that make use of tech in the sport and recreation sector.

Levels of funding

Levels of funding are from up to $50,000 for the development of a new concept or business plan, or up to $150,000 for the development, delivery and evaluation of a project in the community. This may require third party funding support.

Organisations wishing to apply should first read the program guidelines to ensure that they are eligible, and decide which stream they wish to apply through.

They should then complete an ideas template and register for an innovation workshop. Dates are provided below.  

Formal applications will take place after the workshops, and shortlisted organisations will have the chance to present for 15 minutes on their program to an assessment panel.

The Innovation Challenge Program opens on Friday 29 January 2021. If you have a question email the department.

Innovation Challenge Program workshops

Workshop one

Department focus areas: ‘Business Innovation’ or ‘Using technology to drive and grow sport and recreation’.

All sessions are online using Zoom technology.

Session one

9.30am to 12pm, Tuesday 16 February 2021

Session two

1pm to 3.30pm, Tuesday 16 February 2021

Session three

5pm to 7.30pm, Wednesday 17 February 2021

Register for workshop one

Workshop two

Healthway focus areas: ‘Physical activity opportunities for inactive young people (12 to 17 years)’ or ‘Physical activity opportunities to engage inactive women/girls’.

All sessions are online using Zoom technology.

Session one

9.30am to 12pm, Tuesday 23 February 2021

Session two

1pm to 3.30pm, Tuesday 23 February 2021

Session three

5pm to 7.30pm, Wednesday 24 February 2021

Register for workshop two

Page reviewed 04 April 2022