Application process
During the application process, organisations will have the chance to pitch their ideas to a panel face to face or by video submission.
Funding for the program is being administered in two streams. The Healthway stream will support innovative ideas that create physical activity opportunities for disengaged young people and inactive girls and women.
The department stream is encourages ideas that allow sport and recreation organisations to streamline their business and deliver their activity in an innovative way. The department will also consider ideas that make use of tech in the sport and recreation
Levels of funding
Levels of funding are from up to $50,000 for the development of a new concept or business plan, or up to $150,000 for the development, delivery and evaluation of a project in the community. This may require third party funding support.
Organisations wishing to apply should first read the program guidelines to ensure that they are eligible, and decide which stream they wish to apply through.
They should then complete an ideas template and register for an innovation workshop. Dates are provided below.
Formal applications will take place after the workshops, and shortlisted organisations will have the chance to present for 15 minutes on their program to an assessment panel.