WA Hiking Participation Grants application

Application form

Please review the WA Hiking Participation Grants guidelines before submitting your application.

Complete the required fields and upload your grant application including supporting documents to complete your submission.

You will receive a reference number on submission as confirmation that we have received your application.

*required fields

Organisation details

ABN must contain 11 numbers with no spaces.

Attach a copy of your Incorporation certificate*

This field is required

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Attach your Public Liability Insurance certificate of currency*

This field is required

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Grant details

Read and familiarise yourself with the WA Hiking Strategy and the Australian Adventure Activity Standards (external link) before applying.

You must discuss your project with a DLGSC Trails team member before applying. Your application is ineligible if you have not discussed your application with DLGSC.

Attach your grant application*

This field is required

Please ensure the file does not exceed 15Mb.

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The selected file size is too large

Attach your project budget/plan*

This field is required

Please ensure the file does not exceed 15Mb.

File type is not allowed to upload

The selected file size is too large

Additional documents

This field is required

Attach any additional supporting documents. Individual files can be up to 15Mb in size.


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The selected file size is too large

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Page reviewed 18 September 2024