They are part of an overall strategy that seeks to achieve a
standard of practice that assists in:
- Fostering a responsible drinking
- Ensures safety in the local community.
- Promotes effective
communication and problem solving between licensees and key
Each liquor accord is focused on resolving local issues within a local
area. Although individual accords may have similar elements, there are
no two the same.
Liquor accords may include representatives from licensed premises,
businesses, councils, police, government departments and other community
The intended outcomes of liquor accords include:
- reducing of anti-social behaviour in and around licensed premises
- reducing alcohol-related violence, ill-health and other harm
- increasing the responsible service of alcohol
- educating licensees, club operators, managers and staff in regard to their legislative obligations
- reducing alcohol-related road trauma
- facilitating and maintaining positive communication between stakeholders
- enhancing community cooperation and understanding of the various roles and resources of government agencies
- enhancing community engagement in various controls and strategies that affect their community
- improving local amenity through the development of proactive and effective responses to local issues.
Where a liquor accord determines that in order to achieve agreed outcomes in the local context, it may be in the public interest for conditions to be imposed on licences within that liquor accord community or district, the liquor accord may lodge a written request with the licensing authority.
In lodging that request, the liquor accord will be required to submit the following information:
- details of the problems that the proposed conditions are intended to address
- evidence that supports the assertions made about those problems
- details of who has been consulted (for example; the police, local government, public health agencies; etc) and their position regarding the conditions
- information on how the proposed conditions are expected to address the problems
- expected duration of the proposed conditions if imposed
- details of the intended review and evaluation strategy in respect of the proposed conditions
- evidence that the liquor accord members have agreed to the request being made (that is; the minutes of meeting must reflect the discussion and agreed outcome, etc).
In considering the proposed conditions, liquor accords should have regard to harm minimisation issues and strategies and be careful not to engage in anti-competitive practices. In this regard, section 174B(2) affords protection against the provisions of Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth) and the Competition Code but only in circumstances where a Liquor Accord complies with 64(1b) of the Act.
It should be noted that the absolute discretion to impose, vary or cancel a condition of licence lies with the licensing authority. In this regard, conditions will only be imposed, varied or cancelled where the licensing authority considers it is in the public interest to do so, consistent with the purpose and objects of the Act. In addition, the Public Interest Assessment Policy details information sources and reports that decision makers may have regard to in forming their decisions.
More information
Licensing Enforcement Division, WA Police
Telephone 61 8 9454 1444
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Racing, gaming and liquor enquiries
Telephone 61 8 6551 4888