Lodging your application
To apply for a permanent liquor licence, applicants can now complete an online application form. The online form is designed to be intuitive; it will change to reflect the options you select as you proceed. This process will provide greater visibility
of the overall application process to all applicants and aims to reduce determination times.
In order to access this application you have to create an account. Once you have created an account you will be able to lodge the initial grant application, once approved you can then use this account to update the licensee contact details, submit annual
liquor returns (if applicable), view your annual licence fee invoice and lodge any future applications for extended trading permits.
The department is committed to ensuring that information on our website is widely accessible. If you require a manual copy of the new application form to be emailed or posted to you, please contact the department on 61 8 6551 4888.
Please note that the time taken to process an application will vary depending on a range of factors including the complexity of the application, advertising times and any objections which may be raised.