Recruiting volunteers

Recruiting volunteers into your organisation is important for its sustainability.

Strategies for recruiting volunteers

Creative strategies for recruiting volunteers — a quick reference guide:

  • Produce volunteer information kits, including job descriptions for volunteer roles.
  • Check past and present membership lists for potential volunteers.
  • Conduct a skills audit of your organisation to identify potential volunteers.
  • Provide new members with information on ways they can get involved with your organisation as a volunteer (include in membership information).
  • Write a letter of invitation to members inviting them to volunteer.
  • Organise recruitment drives using current volunteers to promote the club and its activities.
  • Use the local community newspaper – classified ads, letters to the editor, feature articles.
  • Produce posters, pamphlets or flyers that promote the club and the roles that volunteers are required for – distribute where potential volunteers may visit.
  • Organise community notices on the radio.
  • Talk to pre-retirement training sessions in commercial sectors.
  • Promote your organisation and its activities as part of Year 11 and 12 physical education studies at the local high school.
  • Offer young members the opportunity to take on the role of apprentice volunteers. Use existing and experienced volunteers as mentors.
  • Promote your organisation and volunteer roles at local retirement villages and organisations.
  • Advertise for volunteers on your organisation’s website.
  • Contact Volunteering WA and utilise their volunteer referral service.
  • Offer volunteers the opportunity to “job share” their volunteer role with a friend or partner.

Source: Recognising Volunteers — Active Australia Volunteer Management Program; Australian Sports Commission.

Page reviewed 06 May 2021