The Bickley Reservoir
The department uses the reservoir to conduct aquatic programs. Groups are permitted to bring their own non-motorised water craft (excluding yachts or catamarans) to use on the reservoir. Groups are responsible for ensuring the safety of their participants when using their own equipment.
Swimming in the reservoir may be unavailable due to water quality issues or operations. Groups wishing to swim in the reservoir need to check with camp management upon arrival.
Kookaburra basketball court
The basketball court is used by staff to deliver some land based programs. The court has a basketball backboard at each end. Lighting allows the court to be used at night time.
Free play equipment
The camp has a very limited range of sporting equipment. Client groups are advised to bring their own personal sporting equipment.
Walk trails
A number of walk trails of varying length and difficulty are located adjacent to the camp site. Further information about these walks can be obtained by contacting the camp.