Information for camp leaders and supervisors
Leader responsibilities
What is your role on camp programs?
All clients with participants under the age of 18 must supply sufficient adult supervision at each program activity location. Bickley staff will supervise the participants while participating in department facilitated programs and minimise the risk of injury to them wherever possible.
Group supervisors are required to take responsibility for the monitoring of the group and individuals’ behaviour, and enforce disciplinary actions as required. Bickley staff members have the right to discipline or remove participants from a program either temporarily or permanently if they are deemed a risk to themselves or others in the group.
We encourage adult group leaders to build a strong rapport with their group, provide duty of care, assess risks where appropriate and enjoy the experience.
Creating a positive experiential environment
We expect group leaders to ensure the following:
- Participants are on time and prepared adequately for the specific program.
- Participants are encouraged through a positive, non-intimidatory approach to the program.
- Adult group leaders should refrain from providing too much support or advice to their group to allow the group to learn and develop skills independently.
There may be occasions where adult group leaders are asked to help facilitate certain aspects of a program. The instructor will discuss this responsibility with the adult group leader prior to the program.
What is your role outside of camp programs?
It is recommended that a supervision roster is developed to supervise free time, meals and other activities. It is also recommended room checks are done after ‘lights out’ to ensure participants are asleep.
It is encouraged that all staff are briefed about their roles and responsibilities prior to coming to camp.
Camp organiser (group leader) — what to bring to camp
Personal gear list
As well as including the items on the participants gear list, the group leader should also pack:
- alarm clock/phone
- eye mask
- first aid kit
- day backpack
- client information pack
- camera
- relevant paperwork including student medical forms, emergency response document
- whistle.
What to leave at home
- chewing gum
- spray aerosol cans (use roll-on deodorant and insect repellents)
- expensive jewellery, electronic devices and cameras
- high heeled shoes.
Client briefing
The majority of client groups will receive a client briefing upon arriving at camp. Groups arriving on weekends or late at night may not receive this briefing.
It is recommended for groups arriving during these times to have a camp leader attend the camp prior to the group arriving to discuss the camp rules, cleaning requirements, risk management and emergency response protocols and other important information.
Camp considerations
Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp is a beautiful place, you can help protect it by:
- ensuring all rubbish is placed in the appropriate bins located throughout the camp-site
- respecting and caring for plants and animals
- swimming in the reservoir only as directed by the Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp
management - lighting fires only in designated camp-fire/cooking areas in accordance with fire restrictions and camp management advice.
The boundaries of the camp are shown on the map.
Eating in drinking accommodation areas
The consumption and storage of food and drinks in accommodation areas can attract unwanted guests and cause damage to camp property. We ask clients not to eat or drink within all dormitory areas.
Moving mattresses
Mattresses are not to be removed from their location without camp management approval.
Drink fountains
Water fountains are located in the Kookaburra camp-site area in several locations.
A water fountain is located next to the washing up area in the Billabong camp-site area.
A number of bins are located throughout the camp. Bins that are dark green or light blue in colour are for non-recyclable materials (general waste). Bins that have a yellow lid or are yellow in colour are for recyclable products excluding Containers for Change items. Bins that are orange in colour are for Container For Change items. There is also a large white metal bin to the south of the Kookaburra kitchen for cardboard products. Cardboard products should be flattened before placing in this bin. It is very important that the correct items are placed in the bins located at the camp..
It is highly recommended that enclosed and secure footwear be worn at all times when outdoors. Secure and enclosed footwear is required for all department facilitated programs, including aquatic programs.
Damages and breakages should be reported to the adult group leaders and camp staff as soon as possible. This will allow for repairs or replacements to be organised and address any safety concerns.
Damages and breakages will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The circumstances that led to the damage/breakage occurring will be taken into account when determining liability and cost recovery.
Camp duties
The adult group supervisors are responsible for the creation of duty rosters for the participants and themselves. Camp duties may vary depending on whether the group chooses to self-cater or use the camp caterers. Duties may include cleaning the dining room after meals, the dormitories, meeting room and the camp grounds.
Dining room
The Kookaburra dining room is supplied with sufficient rectangular trestle tables and chairs to cater for the capacity of the area. Groups can set up the tables and chairs in a configuration to suit their needs and group size.
Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp is located in the Bickley Valley catchment area and has numerous species of flora and fauna within and outside the camp boundaries. Wildlife that lives in the Bickley Reservoir is protected and is not to be removed under any circumstances. The feeding or removal of wildlife including wild flowers is prohibited.