
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Strategic Directions: 2020-2023 cover

Strategic Directions: 2020—2023

The department's strategic directions.

Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Toodyay

Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Toodyay

Authorised Inquiry under Part 8 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA)

Local Government Standards Panel 2019-20 Annual Report cover

Local Government Standards Panel Annual Report 2019-20

The Local Government Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) is the primary standards panel established under Part 5 Division 9 and Schedule 5.1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act).

Report of the Inquiry into the City of Perth

Report of the Inquiry into the City of Perth

An Inquiry under part 8, Division 2 Local Government Act 1995

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\MARKYT Community Resilience Scorecard Result

MARKYT Community Resilience Scorecard

Empowering State and local government leaders with state-wide, local data to respond, recover and thrive.

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\Local Government Review Panel final report cover.png

Local Government Review Panel final report

Recommendations for a new Local Government Act for Western Australia

Local governments and rating powers cover

Local governments and rating powers

The WA Constitution allows for a system of local government through the Local Government Act 1995.

Statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 and Dog Amendment Act 2013

Statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 and Dog Amendment Act 2013

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the department) has completed a statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 (Cat Act) and the Dog Amendment Act 2013 (Dog Amendment Act).

Attendance at Events Policy

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Off-road Vehicles in Western Australia information for local governments.pdf

Off-road Vehicles in Western Australia: Management of off-road vehicles

Information for local governments regarding management of off-road vehicles

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Carnarvon cover

Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Carnarvon

Authorised Inquiry under Part 8 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA)

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\Best Practice Guideline on the Identification, Investigation and Handling of Nuisance Dogs cover

Best Practice Guideline on the Identification, Investigation and Handling of Nuisance Dogs

This guideline is designed to assist local governments respond to nuisance barking complaints within their districts.

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\A Guide to the Preparation of Agendas and Minutes cover

A Guide to the Preparation of Agendas and Minutes

For local government officers to support effective decision making in council and committee meetings.

Pause for paws cover

Pause for paws

Feedback on dog and cat laws in WA

Page reviewed 07 September 2023