Innovation Challenge Program

Grant program guidelines 2020/2021


About the program

The Innovation Challenge Program will provide flexible and responsive investment in innovative projects which increase participation in physical activity. Projects will be supported based on need, project and organisational merit, innovation, sustainability of outcomes and consideration of the greatest return of investment. An innovative approach will be used allowing organisations to pitch their ideas through a face to face or video submission to a panel.

The program will be facilitated by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) and Healthway but driven collaboratively with community and industry ensuring it is relevant and responsive to community needs.

As part of the program Healthway is seeking to support innovative ideas that create physical activity opportunities for inactive young people and inactive girls and women. DLGSC is seeking ideas that allow sport and recreation organisations to streamline their business and deliver their activity in an innovative/different way. Further, DLGSC is also wanting ideas on how technology can be used in the sport and recreation sector.

A funding pool of $750,000 with $500,000 attributed to Healthway and $250,000 attributed to DLGSC.

What is meant by innovation?

In this context, innovation refers to new, clever ideas or changes to previous processes, programs, products or services to adapt and respond to the community. Innovation is change that adds value.

This may include implementing new concepts, using under utilised spaces, developing new partnerships, establishing new programs outside traditional sport or recreation settings or using technology such as digital platforms and gamification to increase participation.

The program is expected to identify challenges and issues to be explored and developed, these are outlined in the primary objective and focus areas section of the document.

It is expected successful projects will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the complex nature of inactivity, barriers faced and the needs of the target group;
  • Be designed and guided by the target group, including the use of co-design;
  • Develop and work in quality partnerships;
  • Create environments that support the change, that may include optimising the use of local facilities and spaces;
  • Measure outcomes and evaluate the success of the program; and
  • Identify options on how to scale-up what works and ensure sustainability.

The funding from both Healthway and DLGSC supports not-for-profit sport and active recreation organisations, to pivot operations, collaborate, innovate, develop new ways of working, maintain viability and build resilience. Local governments, tertiary institutions and community organisation who are well placed to engage at-risk groups are also able to respond to the Healthway challenges in partnership with sport and recreation organisations.

Primary objective and focus areas

The aim of the project is to develop ideas and proposals to respond to the focus areas identified by Healthway and DLGSC.

Healthway has chosen two key focus areas:

  1. Create innovative physical activity opportunities for inactive young people (12 to 17 years);
  2. Create innovative physical activity opportunities to engage inactive women and/or girls.

DLGSC has also chosen two focus areas:

  1. Business Innovation — ideas that allow sport and recreation organisations to streamline their business and deliver their activity in an innovative/different way;
  2. Using technology to drive and grow sport and recreation.

Funding may not be used for

  • Project ideas that are deemed to be ‘business as usual’ for the applicant/s;
  • Existing sporting programs, competitions, activities or work that can be delivered or extended without additional funding;
  • Creation or extension of traditional sport competition pathways, e.g. creating a new U14 competition where there currently isn’t one in existence in a particular area;
  • One-off events or activations;
  • Activities delivered outside of Western Australia, including tours and camps;
  • Programs delivered in schools during school hours, including those funded through the
  • Australian Sports Commission’s Sporting Schools. Please note promotional activities in schools that are used to engage young people with your community sport or recreational program may be included as part of a marketing strategy, however the actual program delivery must be outside of school hours;
  • Programs or participation opportunities where the intention is to deliberately injure or inflict harm on another individual;
  • Project ideas that have been implemented or completed prior to the application being submitted.

Assessment criteria

The innovative nature of this program is also a reflection of how applications are to be made and


  • An initial application will be made using the application form (this will be given to applicants after defining their project using the ideas template and attendance at the relevant workshop/s.
  • The intent is to outline the focus area that is being responded to and a short statement of the idea.
  • This will be reviewed and if there is an interest in the idea a request to make a ‘pitch’ will be offered. The pitch will involve a 15 minute presentation that will be recorded, to outline the request for funding and how it will address the focus area.

The pitch will be assessed by a panel against the following criteria:

Criteria 1: Innovative approach – 30%

Demonstrate an innovative approach to responding to the focus area. The project is a new approach, process, partnership, or audience, or is an adaptation from conventional opportunities.

Criteria 2: Merit of proposal – 30%

  • (DLGSC) Demonstrate the benefits the response will make to the sport and recreation sector;
  • (Healthway) Demonstrate the benefits the response will make in increasing physical activity through the engagement of at-risk groups identified within the focus area.

Criteria 3: Capacity and capability – 20%

Demonstrated readiness, capacity, expertise and skills to deliver project outcomes and achieve success. This may include the formation of relevant partnerships.

Criteria 4: Timeframes and budget – 20%

Demonstrate a realistic timeframe and relevant budget.



Who can apply?

  • Incorporated sporting, recreation and community organisations and associations.
  • Local governments, tertiary institutions or community-based organisations who partner with a sport and active recreation organisations (Healthway only); Companies Limited by Guarantee where the company is wholly owned by a State Sporting Organisation.

What you must have to be eligible to apply?

  • Be incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA), or an Indigenous organisation under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI), or a local government or a company limited by guarantee;
  • Possess an Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • Maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. A certificate of currency of insurance/s for the coming year should be provided upon application. Please note, for Public Liability Insurance, a minimum value of $10 million per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim is required;
  • Your organisation conforms with relevant State and Federal legislation (e.g. Working with Children (Criminal Records Checking), Liquor Control, and Drugs in Sport);
  • Your organisation has appropriate Health and Safety and Risk Management policies and practices in place to deliver the project(s).
Note: Organisations will not receive funding if they have any outstanding grant acquittal requirements with the Sport and Recreation Service Area of DLGSC and/or Healthway.

Who can't apply

  • State Government departments or agencies;
  • Individuals or private/commercial businesses;
  • Professional sporting bodies or elite sporting teams.

Application information

  • Under this program, organisations may only receive one grant per financial year;
  • Applicants should provide a copy of your organisation's strategic plan, latest annual report and previous two years audited financials (if not in your latest annual report).

What applications must address

The application form provides an outline of what needs to be addressed.

  • Include the rationale or identified need for the project idea;
  • Identify the barriers this proposal will address;
  • Demonstrate how the project is innovative including a detailed project plan;
  • Demonstrate how the project outcomes will be measured; and
  • Provide a detailed budget.

Level of funding available

This grant is intended to provide funding to support an innovative project. This could include:

  • The development of a new concept only (maximum budget $50,000)
    • This includes the development the new concept/business plan. or;
  • The development and delivery of a pilot project (maximum $150,000)
    • This includes the development and delivery and evaluation of a project in the community. (This may require third party funding support).
Successful applications will be contracted and supported by either Healthway or the DLGSC directly.
Individual agreements will be developed inclusive of milestone and Key Performance Indicators.

How to apply

  1. Read the guidelines;
  2. Complete the one pager ideas template to assist with your concept development (downloadable from the website);
  3. Attend an applicant workshop (and bring your ideas template) — this will provide prospective applicants the knowledge and tools to develop a proposal;
  4. Depending on the focus area selected, contact the relevant agency (Healthway or DLGSC) to discuss your idea prior to submission;
  5. Develop appropriate community partnerships for the project;
  6. Complete the application form with any relevant supporting documentation outlining how the funding will be spent;
  7. Submit your application form via email to

Assessment and notification

An assessment will be made to determine if the application is eligible by assessing it against the grant criteria. A component of the assessment will be a requirement for shortlisted applicants to make a presentation on the concept to a selection panel.

The application and the presentation will be the basis for the assessment to invest. If approved, a grant agreement will be entered into which outlines the grant conditions and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the organisation.

Please note that not all applications will be either successful or funded to the full amount requested.

Key dates

The application and selection process will occur in April 2021 with funding agreement and payments occurring prior to 30 June 2021. The indicative program is as follows:

Activity Date Additional information
Applications openEarly February
Read through the guidelines and start developing your ideas template
for the workshop. (Downloadable from the website)
Compulsory applicant
February 2021
This externally facilitated workshop will provide a generic introduction to Innovation Development.
There will be two available workshops addressing the program criteria on 16 February 2021 (DLGSC) and 23rd February 2021 (Healthway).
Please bring your completed Ideas Template (one pager) to the workshops so facilitators can assist project development.
Formal applications
Applicants who wish to progress their project will be given a formal
application form at completion of workshop.
Applications close30 March 2021No further applications will be received after these dates.
Shortlisted applicants
are invited to present
7 April 2021
Applicants will be informed they have been shortlisted and will be
required to present their project idea to the assessment panel.
Shortlisted applicants
present to panel
21 April 2021
Applicants will have 15 minutes to present the proposal in person or
via video link.
Successful recipients
approved and informed
May 2021Minister/s approves successful projects and organisations notified.
Agreements finalised30 June 2021
Agreements will be finalised with the respective funding agency
(either Healthway or DLGSC).
Delivery of projects
July 2021 to June

For further information

To discuss your application please contact:

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries

Postal address: PO Box 8349, Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Street address: 246 Vincent Street, Leederville WA 6007

Telephone: 61 8 6552 7300


Postal address: Locked Bag 66, Subiaco WA 6904
Street address: Level 2, 38 Station Street, Subiaco WA 6009
Telephone: 61 8 9488 6700


Page reviewed 01 February 2024