Chief executive officers

Shared CEOs and senior employees

Tranche 2

Status: Regulations being developed

Commencement: To be confirmed

What is proposed?

The Bill will enable and clarify the sharing of local governments CEOs and senior employees.

How these changes help

This reform provides greater flexibility for local governments to try different models of administration to best suit their district.

Sharing these resources may be highly beneficial for smaller local governments who have limited financial resources or may otherwise experience difficulties in attracting suitably qualified personnel to regional areas.

CEO performance indicators

Tranche 1

Status: Regulations being developed

Commencement: To be confirmed

What is proposed?

The employment of a CEO is an important decision and the community should have confidence in their CEO's performance. Consistent with previous reforms regarding the introduction of the CEO standards for recruitment, performance review and termination, it is proposed to introduce requirements to publish:

  • the CEO's performance criteria
  • the report on the CEO's performance against that criteria
  • the CEO's response to that report on their performance.

How these changes help

This change is intended to make local governments more transparent by making information about the performance of CEOs publicly available.

Page reviewed 12 December 2024