Caretaker period
Tranche 1
Status: Commenced
Commencement: 1 July 2024
What has changed?
This reform standardises a caretaker period across all local governments in Western Australia. It prevents a local government from making significant decisions while an election is underway, particularly decisions that would bind a future council to a
particular course of action.
The caretaker period will apply to all ordinary local government elections from 2025 onwards. It will also apply to any election to elect a council after it has been declared vacant or dismissed. It will not apply to extraordinary local government elections.
The caretaker period runs from the close of nominations to declaration of the poll.
What a local government needs to do to implement the change
Local governments will need to ensure they are aware of the changes and understand them, particularly for the 2025 local government elections. Local governments should also plan projects and council reporting schedules and items with the caretaker period
in mind.
Find out more about caretaker periods.