Theme 4: Simpler systems

Reforms to simplify online systems and business processes used by customers and regulators for licence and permit applications or amendments.

Key reforms being considered under Theme 4 are:

Replacing the online licensing and compliance system

A high functioning liquor licensing system is supported by an efficient licensing and compliance information technology system. A key part of this reform project is the replacement of the current licensing system, known as ‘Navigate’.

This review will consider an alternative licensing system that is user-friendly and customer-focused, to create a streamlined application process.

One-stop-shop portal

New applicants and current licensees reported difficulties in finding information about the licensing process and application requirements and in lodging the information.

A single source of information does not exist and often licensees are required to cross several websites to find the information they need to progress their application. Applicants are not approaching the licensing authority at the right time in the licensing process and are unsure which licence is best for their business model or what is permitted by their local government.

The review will investigate whether a ‘one-stop-shop’ approval portal can be incorporated into the new licensing system. It would provide all the information required to progress liquor licensing applications in the one spot and may reduce the duplicated application requirements for approval processes by other regulators, such as local government and the Department of Health.

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Page reviewed 30 August 2024