Talent identification
To identify talent and to compile and maintain a Statewide talent identification program and database.
identification and registration of talented athletes is considered a
fundamental starting point in a sequential development program.
Sporting Associations are encouraged to establish a formal process in
the identification and record management of talent athletes. Initiatives
in the assessment of talent could include on-field performance and
physiological testing. Initiatives in the area of record management
could include information technology, data collection and collation,
database management, cohesion and streamlining.
Intensive training camps/clinics
State Sporting Associations to deliver intensive training camps/clinics for selected talented athletes.
athletes require access to training opportunities that will extend them
physically and mentally. Initiatives such as camps that are structured
with an intensity and complexity to extend the athlete and to allow them
to respond to a higher level of sport are strongly encouraged.
Athlete training regimes and practices
State sporting organisations to disseminate and deliver contemporary training regimes and practices.
saying 'practice makes perfect' is not altogether true. 'Perfect
practice makes perfect', and to ensure athletes are receiving
contemporary training practices and regimes, State Sporting Associations
are encouraged to establish initiatives accordingly. Many of these
initiatives will link in with those contained in the high-performance
coaching objective.
Access to the sports sciences
Athletes need an introduction to the sports sciences to refine their talents.
sport, cutting-edge advances are sometimes made through the knowledge
found in the sport sciences. Talented athletes can benefit from the
introduction to sports physiology, sports psychology, nutrition,
biomechanics, and sports medicine. Sports are encouraged to develop
opportunities for pathway athletes to access these services.
Access to competition – quantity and quality
Talented athletes to gain the exposure to, and experience from, competition commensurate with their ability and potential.
is recognised that regular access to a higher level of competition
contributes significantly to an athlete reaching their potential.
Facility access
Talented athletes to gain regular access to facilities suitable for skill development and improvement.
relation to sports facilities, two components are considered important.
Firstly, that talented athletes gain full access to facilities to
conduct their contemporary training programs. Secondly, that they gain
exposure to, and have a familiarity with, those facilities that will be
used at the next level of competition. Through a combination of these
two factors an athlete shall be best prepared to compete on an equal
basis at the next level of their sport.
Athlete career and education
Provide advice and services in career and education for talented athletes.
development of an athlete from a holistic perspective is as equally
important as from an athletic perspective. For an athlete to be
prepared for the pressures of high-performance programs, they require
additional life skills other than those learnt in the sports arena. It
is with these skills that an athlete will have the greatest chance of
retention in mainstream high-performance programs.