Information for camp leaders and supervisors
Leader responsibilities
What is your role on camp programs?
All client groups with participants under the age of 18 years must supply appropriate adult supervision at each activity site. Woodman Point Camp staff will supervise the clients in relation to their safe participation in the activity, however client
groups have the responsibility to monitor the behaviour of participants in matters not relating to the activity.
Teachers and adults play a vital role in ensuring participants have an enjoyable camp experience. Teachers and adults are encouraged to participate in camp activities as much as possible to create a positive experiential learning environment. Woodman
Point Camp will allocate at least one (if not two or three, depending on the size of your group) suitably qualified instructor in charge of facilitating the activity. The department requires one member from the client group supervisory team (teacher
or adult) to be attendance with the group during each program.
We try to minimise the work of teachers or adults during their stay, however teachers and adults may be asked to deal with student misbehaviour on a case-by-case basis. Department instructors will use low-key behaviour management techniques to ensure
participants are engaged during the activities. It is an expectation that teachers and adults support the department instructor when required throughout the duration of the program. We recommend asking participants to stand aside for five minutes
to reflect on their behaviour and the effect it has on them personally and the group. The teacher or adult can help in the reflection process.
Creating a positive experiential learning environment
We encourage the adult supervisor of the group to ensure the following so that participants enjoy their experience during camp programs:
- Participants are on time and prepared adequately for the specific program.
- Participants are encouraged through a positive, non-intimidating approach, towards the outcomes of the activity.
- They participate in the activity with the group; however if the activity requires problem solving or decision making refrain from providing too much support as this can impede on the skill being demonstrated by participants.
At times, teachers and adults may be asked to help facilitate certain aspects of the activity. This would be during times of questioning or debriefing to enhance experiential learning. The instructor will discuss this responsibility prior to the start
of the activity.
What is your role outside of activities?
It is recommended that teachers and adults should discuss supervisory roles and responsibilities for during meals, at night and other free times. It is also recommended that room checks are done after lights are out to ensure participants are asleep.
It is encouraged that a duty roster is developed to ensure staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
What to know before camp
In the lead-up to your camp please use the organisation checklist.
- emergency mobile phone number — please this number to parents of campers to contact in an emergency
- sleeping bag
- pillow slip
- blankets, sheets (optional)
- shorts and t-shirts (no sleeveless shirts to promote sun safety)
- jeans
- warm clothing — jumpers and tracksuit pants
- raincoat
- underwear
- swimming attire
- 2 towels (beach and shower)
- 2 pairs of enclosed shoes (one set for water activities — camp specific)
- hat, sunscreen and sunglasses
- torch
- toiletries
- water bottle
- alarm clock
- first aid kit
- a day backpack
- this information pack
- camera
- relevant paperwork including student medical forms and emergency response document
- whistle.
Emergency plan
Please familiarise yourself with our emergency plan.
The Woodman Point Camp emergency mobile number is 0414 448 088. Camp leaders should provide their own emergency mobile number to parents of campers.
Risk management
First aid
Woodman Point Camp management strongly recommends that every camp has at least one first aid qualified person in attendance at all times.
Consequently, the absolute minimum standard of medical expertise recommended on camp is a current senior first aid or equivalent. The camp organiser should check with the administration of their organisation to ensure that all policies and guidelines
are met. It must be noted that these may be different to recommendations in this booklet, in which situation the highest standard should prevail.
Harnessed programs
The camp conducts programs such as Abseiling, Climbing, Leap of Faith, High Ropes and Flying Fox. The minimum qualifications of an instructor to dispatch for these activities is National Outdoor Leaders Registration Scheme or competencies agreed by
the Camps Chain Safety Group.
Water safety
Woodman Point Camp management strongly recommends that every camp has at least one qualified School Teachers Aquatic Rescue Training (START) certificate through Royal Life Saving WA or Surf Rescue Certificate recognised by Surf Life Saving WA in attendance
and control of every eight persons when in or near the water. It should be remembered that aquatic rescue qualifications are current for 12 months only and unqualified persons should only be used as additional support.
The ratio of qualified supervisors to persons in the water varies between organisations from around 1:8 to 1:20 and is constantly being reviewed by most organisations. Surf Life Saving WA can be contacted for the latest information on 61 8 9293 9444.
Water safety personnel should be dressed ready to respond to an emergency and should have appropriate aquatic rescue equipment (e.g. rescue tubes on location). These may be obtained from the camp office.
Woodman Point Camp programs conducted in the water such as Surf Life Saving, Surf Ski Paddling and Raft Building have START qualified instructors or higher. The camp can also organise lifeguards to supervise any in-camp group.
Alcohol policy
An updated version of our alcohol policy can be found on our website. In all instances, the application form must be sent to the Camp Manager well in advance of the camp.
At camp
On arrival
Gate access
To increase site safety and ensure that only authorised vehicles access the site, a security gate has been installed at the entrance of the camp.
The last four digits of your unique Booking ID (BID) number that has been allocated to your booking will be the code you need to use to gain access through the gate.
Please inform all members of your group that will need to access the site of this code to ensure no issues are encountered during your stay.
To exit the site, driving slowly stay left towards the gate and it will open automatically.
You will be sent specific instructions about the use of the security gate prior to your arrival on-site. The code will only be active for the duration of your stay.
Check in
- Pick-up keys from office
- Camp staff member to brief group on arrival.
Out of bounds areas
- Bush/fire breaks.
- Roped off areas.
- Other dormitory/dining areas not booked.
- CUBE — no climbing on external walls unless participating in a program.
- Beach — no access unless under supervision of Woodman Point Camp staff or your teachers/supervisors/parents.
Dormitory rooms
Food and drink is not permitted in any of the rooms. Please consume these outside of dorms and in your dining room.
Moving beds and bunks
Please do not rearrange bunks, beds or mattresses.
Please do not jump in or out of dormitory room windows.
Drink fountains
There are water fountains located at the back of the dining hall with cold filtered water. Please bring water bottles to camp to take to the programs.
Rubbish bins
Rubbish bins are located around your dorm. Bins with yellow lids are for recycling.
In Spinifex and Grevillea the doors leading out to the patio are for emergency use only. Please use the doors inside the dorm to access your room.
Footwear is to be worn at all times around camp. If participating in activities with Woodman Point Camp staff, you are required to wear closed-toe shoes for all land-based activities. Those wearing thongs or other inappropriate footwear will not be
permitted to participate.
Smoke detectors
Each room is fitted with a smoke detector and alarm linked directly to the Fire Brigade. Please be careful as steam from a kettle may set them off. Fees are charged by DFES for any false alarms attended.
Muster point
Located at the front of the office on the large grassed area.
Please report any damage (to windows, sprinklers, doors, bunks, flooring etc.) to your supervisors and Woodman Point Camp staff.
Dining hall
You will be allocated a dining hall which you are responsible for setting up, packing down and cleaning after each meal and at the end of your stay.
Please do not disturb or feed the wildlife in and around the camp.
Dining room duties
Set up tables and chairs (6 to 8 people per table) half an hour prior to meal time.
- Please note: every person is responsible for their own plate and cutlery.
- Clear cups — put disposable cups into the recycling bin.
- Leftover food on plates to be scraped into the general waste bin and stacked.
- Cutlery to be placed
in the containers of water provided.
- Clean tables with warm, soapy water and cloth once cleared.
- Sweep floor of dining room.
Final clean-up of dining room
At the end of your last meal at camp:
- Re-stack tables onto trolleys with legs facing out (six tables per trolley), ensuring they are clean
- Replace chairs into stacks of 10, ensuring they are clean
- Sweep your servery and dining room
- Brooms, mops, cloths and dustpans are provided.
Final clean up of dormitories
Each group is responsible for cleaning their dorm before departure.
Areas and duties to be completed:
- Mattresses to be put on their sides with a pillow on each bed
- Each room swept and rubbish removed
- Hallways swept and rubbish removed
- Bathrooms swept
- Conduct a group rubbish pick-up around the dormitory, dining and grassed areas
- Remove all rubbish and food scraps from synthetic turf areas
- Tuart and Jervoise — all kitchen equipment to be cleaned and put away
- All doors and windows shut, lights and fans turned off and don’t forget the bathroom areas.
Please note: we do not supply you with any chemicals for the clean-up as you are not required to use any.