Information for KidSport Clubs
Below are a few tips to support KidSport Clubs to keep their club information up to date and manage the KidSport voucher process.
Redeeming KidSport vouchers
- Your club will be notified by email when a child has been sent a KidSport voucher to use to join your club.
- The parent/guardian will give you the voucher code for each child joining your club.
- Once the child is confirmed and registered, the club can log into the KidSport Club portal and redeem the voucher by matching the code to the child’s name and validating it.
- Once redeemed, DLGSC will schedule payment to your club.
The parent/guardian must provide the voucher at the time of
registration. Parents cannot be required by the club to pre-pay a child's membership, the voucher must be accepted as a form of payment.
All voucher codes will have a 90-day expiry from the date of issue. If a voucher is not used and expires, the parent can
re-apply online for a new voucher.
KidSport Clubs are encouraged to offer come-and-try days or trial sessions to help families ensure they enjoy the club environment and understand the commitments of sport. Vouchers should only be validated once your club is sure the child will be attending and has registered - this will help minimise the need for refunds.
Updating your club details
Club details including bank details and fees can be
managed by logging into the KidSport Club portal. It is important that information is kept up to date and
accurate at all times to ensure clubs receive the appropriate payment when
vouchers are redeemed.
The KidSport Club how-to guide includes detailed steps on
how to access fees in the Club portal.
If you aren’t sure how to log in or are a new contact for
the club — contact KidSport to set up a new primary contact for the club.
Updating club fees
KidSport Club fees must be updated annually, fees are used to assess KidSport voucher applications, so it is important to keep these up to date.
- Clubs cannot have differing fee amounts for KidSport and non-KidSport children.
- When listing participation/registration/membership fees, be descriptive in the title, and include the ages appropriate for each fee.
Essential uniforms and equipment fees
Essential uniforms and equipment can now be purchased from a KidSport club using KidSport vouchers. It is at the discretion of the club if they choose to opt in and accept KidSport vouchers for uniforms and equipment.
- To opt in, log into the KidSport portal and add on any eligible uniform and equipment fees.
- To opt out, all clubs are opted out by default, if you have previously opted in simply remove all uniform or equipment fees to opt out.
Helping parents access KidSport
Your club can help families access KidSport by promoting the program and sharing information on how to apply.
- Check out the promotional toolkit for images and sample text to use in social media posts and newsletters.
- Families having difficulty applying? Empower one of your club volunteers, parent helpers, or even older kids at the club to help with the online form. The person helping cannot be the KidSport Club primary contact and they should have parent/guardian’s full consent.
- Some families may want to contact the KidSport team direct for assistance on 61 8 9492 9911.
- Special consideration applications through a Support Agent are available for families who are in need but may not have access to concession cards, such as asylum seekers, refugees or children in care.