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Have a say on Banned Drinkers Register

Sep 29, 2022
A consultation on options to strengthen the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) has been launched after an independent evaluation of the scheme’s trial in the Pilbara.

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Image of Banned Drinkers Register drivers licence scanning machine

Start of Banned Drinkers Register changes to reduce alcohol harm

Media release

New laws to enhance the Banned Drinkers Register and help tackle the ongoing issue of alcohol related harm, are in effect from 14 December 2023.
An overall view of Parliament

WA's strengthened Banned Drinkers Register passes Parliament

Media release

New laws to strengthen the Banned Drinkers Register passed through Parliament yesterday to improve its effectiveness in reducing alcohol-related harm.
A map of WA with the Gascoyne, Pilbara, Kimberley and Goldfields regions highlighted. Text reads, 'Banned drinkers register. You must show approved photo ID to buy takeaway alcohol in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Goldfields, Carnarvon and Gascoyne Junction'.

Banned Drinkers Register rolls out in Carnarvon

The Banned Drinkers Register is now up and running in Carnarvon and Gascoyne Junction with buyers of takeaway alcohol required to show photo identification.
Mature man hesitates while picking out beer from a store.

New legislation to strengthen WA’s Banned Drinkers Register

The State Government will introduce new legislation to strengthen the Banned Drinkers Register following trials in the Pilbara, Kimberley and Goldfields regions.

Have a say on Banned Drinkers Register

A consultation on options to strengthen the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) has been launched after an independent evaluation of the scheme’s trial in the Pilbara.
A card with logos and text reading, 'Goldfields Banned Drinkers Register now in effect. No ID, no purchase.'

Goldfields Banned Drinkers Register trial officially starts

The Goldfields Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) trial is now in full effect, meaning all customers require approved photo identification to buy takeaway alcohol.
Close up of glasses of beer

Goldfields third WA region to trial Banned Drinkers Register

The State Government's Banned Drinkers Register will begin rolling out across the northern Goldfields this week, following trials in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions.
A group of men in a pub, one holding up a smartphone displaying an app

Shire support for Banned Drinkers Register

The Shire of Broome has supported the launch of two-year alcohol restrictions, in place in Broome and Derby.
Banned Drinkers Register and Takeaway Alcohol Management System trial to commence in the Kimberley

Banned Drinkers Register technology rolls out in the Kimberley

Following a successful rollout to its trial in the Pilbara, the Banned Drinkers Register will begin rolling out across the Kimberley this week.
Close up image of 6 bottle of beer with caps on, in a cardboard carry box

Banned Drinkers Register to be trialled in the Kimberley

Media release

The Kimberley is the next Western Australian region set to benefit from the State Government's trial of a nearly $1 million Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) expected to start this May.
Minister Paul Papalia MLA at a liquor store

Trial of Banned Drinkers Register in the Pilbara begins today

Media release

The State Government's Banned Drinkers Register trial in the Pilbara region has begun today.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023