
Latest news from the department.

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Creative WA: A 10 year vision to grow and sustain our creative ecosystem

$54 million to support vision for a Creative WA

Dec 12, 2024
The WA Government has announced a $54 million funding package as part of its ambitious 10-year vision for culture, arts and creative industries in Western Australia.

All news

Incorrect use of concessions on rates bills

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has become aware that some local governments may be granting ‘blanket concessions’ to ratepayers under their discretionary concession powers.
Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags

Flying of flags: NAIDOC Week 2023

LG Alert

Sunday 2 July 2023 to Sunday 9 July 2023
A promotional graphic for the FIFA Women's World cup featuring 3 players

Celebrate FIFA Women's World Cup™ 1 month to go

With less than 1 month to go until the start of the world's biggest female sporting event to be held in Australia and New Zealand — find out how you can be part of the FIFA Women's World Cup™ 2023 global sporting spectacular.
Hikers walking across a new bridge

State Government invests $330,000 in sustainable trails

Locals and visitors alike are set to benefit from a $331,302 investment into trails experiences across Western Australia.
A lacrosse coach gesturing with his hand to a player

Western Australians in world lacrosse championships

9 Western Australians are now in San Diego ahead of the 2023 World Lacrosse Men’s Championships, with the pressure on to reclaim a podium spot after losing out in 2018 and 2014 from consistently finishing in the top 3.
Western Australian Premier's Book Awards 2023 Winners

Winners of the 2023 WA Premier's Book Awards announced

The 2023 Western Australian Premier's Book Awards winners have been announced at an award ceremony at the State Library of Western Australia.
Person writing

Populations estimates order and first set of orders for council representation changes

LG Alert

In the recent Government Gazette the population estimates order and the first set of orders for constitutional and representation changes to councils were made under the Local Government Act 1995, ahead of the upcoming 2023 ordinary local government elections.
A group of 6 people standing on the steps in front of Parliament House.

WA attracts biggest-ever screen production to the State

Season 2 of the award-winning crime series The Twelve will be filmed in Western Australia.

Bushfire Planning and Design Practitioners

Under State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (SPP 3.7), a person seeking to build or develop in a designated bushfire prone area is required to undertake certain bushfire risk management activities as part of the planning and building process.
A list of goals mentioned in the article made to look like a AFL game summary listing goals and times

The DLGSC Local Government Team has been kicking goals with some majors on the board

It has been a busy year already for the DLGSC Local Government Team.
A group of people seated, listening to a speaker at a forum

Peel Sports Forum explores key issues facing sport

Spectator behaviour, club mental health and wellbeing, and retention of teenagers in sport were the key issues discussed at the ninth annual Peel Sports Forum at the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club.
2 divers diving off a platform =with the words, 'Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program grants'

Events build sport and recreation capacity around the state

26 sporting events have received funding in the latest round of the Sport and Recreation Events Funding Program.
A laptop on a desk with the DLGSC website on screen

Child Safe Awareness Policy template for local government

LG Alert

In 2018 the State Government accepted or accepted in principle, all 310 recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission) applicable to Western Australia.

Aboriginal Cultural Centre team wraps up successful participation at AIATSIS Summit

Hundreds turn out to Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Summit, held at the Perth Convention Centre in Boorloo (Perth).

Inter-library loans

LG Alert

From 1 July 2023 there will be changes to the delivery of the inter-library loans service in Western Australia.
A group of players and their coach in a team huddle.

Have your say: sport participation survey now open

All Australians are invited to have their say on the development of the nation’s first codesigned National Sport Participation Strategy through an online survey.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023