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Creative WA: A 10 year vision to grow and sustain our creative ecosystem

$54 million to support vision for a Creative WA

Dec 12, 2024
The WA Government has announced a $54 million funding package as part of its ambitious 10-year vision for culture, arts and creative industries in Western Australia.

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WA local governments join the National Redress Scheme

Media release

Local Government Minister David Templeman has today commended all 137 Western Australian local governments for joining the National Redress Scheme to recognise the harm suffered by survivors of historical child sexual abuse.
Movie camera dolly on tracks

State Government issues casting call for film studio in Perth

Media release

The State Government is seeking proposals from the private sector to build, locate and operate a screen production facility in Western Australia.
A stock image of a group of people meeting in a boardroom

Electors’ special meetings during COVID-19

Ministerial Circular 5 2020

As you are aware, the Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 was passed by Parliament on 16 April 2020 and came into effect on 21 April 2020.
Home office setup for webinar and teleconference. Image:  Lorado via Getty Images

Governance update — Engaging with the Community

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for local governments and their communities but it has also highlighted the innovative ways local governments are working to produce the best outcomes for their communities.
Portrait of Gordon MacMile

Get to know Gordon MacMile

Newly appointed Acting Executive Director Local Government.
WA Recovery

WA getting back on track with $5.5 billion Recovery Plan

The State Government released the $5.5 billion WA Recovery Plan in late July, which included huge investments in infrastructure, schools, TAFE and community facilities.
Old camera and photographs on a timber table

Western Australian filmmakers to bring our stories to life

Media release

Applications opened today for emerging and mid-career filmmakers to access grants to make short films bringing stories from the State Library of Western Australia to life.
City of Perth

Report of the Inquiry into the City of Perth

Ministerial Circular 4 2020

As you are aware, I appointed an Inquiry Panel on 2 March 2018 to conduct an inquiry into the ability of the City of Perth (the City) to provide for the good governance of the people in the City.
Western Australian Museum night view. Photo by Peter Bennett.

Creative programmers sought for WA’s spectacular new Museum

Media release

The State Government is calling for proposals from a range of businesses to deliver dynamic visitor experiences within the new Western Australian Museum.
Cycling race

Collie to Donnybrook Cycling Classic rides into its 95th year

Media release

Western Australia's premier road race and one of Australia's road cycling classics, the Collie to Donnybrook and Return Cycling Classic, will take place this Saturday August 15.
2020 Awesome Festival: International Arts Festival for bright young things

2020 AWESOME Festival to delight young and old

The AWESOME Arts Festival will once again delight audiences young and old, when it is presented at the Perth Cultural Centre during the next school holidays in spring.
City of Perth

City of Perth report a wake up call for local government: Minister

Media release

The final report of the Inquiry into the City of Perth was today tabled in State Parliament, outlining a litany of dysfunction, poor governance, factionalism, and fertile ground for greed, incompetence and mismanagement.
Combat Sports Commission portal

Combat sports process streamlined with launch of online portal

Media release

Participants in Western Australia's combat sports industry can now collect and view all their details in one place while maintaining the highest privacy and security protections, thanks to a new portal developed by the Combat Sports Commission.
Oil painting

DLGSC and Lotterywest Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program – coming soon

The arts play a significant role in supporting communities to tackle disruption and re-establish local connection, strength and resilience beyond the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\MARKYT Community Resilience Scorecard Result

Survey results show local governments pivotal in COVID-19 recovery

Local Government Minister David Templeman today launched the results of an online COVID-19 survey which mapped community wellbeing and resilience levels across WA.
Perth Concert Hall during Storm. Image credit Brad Martin.

Massive $76 million recovery package to support culture and arts in WA

Media release

Western Australia's iconic Perth Concert Hall is set to receive a $30 million upgrade and investment over the next three years as part of the State Government's WA Recovery Plan.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023