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Keeping contact registers from 5 December 2020

LG Alert

With COVID-19 contact registers becoming mandatory for many WA local businesses and venues from 5 December, local governments should already be aware of the State Government’s SafeWA app.
Contact register for business icon

Mandatory contact registers in WA

LG Alert

The State Government has announced that mandatory contact registers at relevant businesses and venues will be introduced from 5 December 2020.
Albany Town Hall. Photon-Photos iStock Getty Images Plus

Proposed reform to regulation 9 disallowed

LG Alert

Despite proposed reform to the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations (regulation 9) being disallowed by the Legislative Council on 11 November, the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) remain unchanged.
Staff member using office equipment

Amendments to Regulations applying to local governments’ 2019-20 audited financial statements

LG Alert

The Local Government (Financial Management) Amendment Regulations 2020 have been published in the Government Gazette (6 November 2020).
Person writing

Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2020

LG Alert

The Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No.2) 2020 (previously named the Local Government Regulations Amendments (Consequential) Regulations 2020) have been published in the Government Gazette today (6 November 2020).
A stock image of a group of people in a meeting

Restrictions eased for local government electors’ meetings

LG Alert

COVID-19 restrictions are being eased for local government electors’ meetings from today.
Gravestones on a grassy field

Private ATO ruling applying to regional local governments

LG Alert

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has recently made a private ruling, confirming that the fee for a Grant of Right of Burial and a renewal of a Grant of Right of Burial is exempt from GST.

Proposed amendments to Local Government Financial Management Regulations

LG Alert

The proposed amendments to the Local Government Financial Management Regulations for valuation of assets from 2019-20 onwards are expected to be considered at the Executive Council Meeting of 3 November 2020.
Sunrise at Wave Rock (Hyden Rock), Hyden, Western Australia

Alternative Queen's Birthday Public Holiday Dates 2021

LG Alert

The Governor has declared that the Celebration Day for the Anniversary of the Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign (Queen's Birthday public holiday) will be observed in 2021 on Monday 27 September.
Mint Images/Getty Images

Local government input required — Graffiti Vandalism Strategy

LG Alert

On behalf of the State Graffiti Taskforce, all local governments are urged to complete the reporting form to help make an accurate assessment of the cost of managing graffiti vandalism in Western Australia.
Empty ACROD parking bays

Local Government ACROD Parking Accessibility Review Survey

LG Alert

Amendments to the Local Government (Parking for People with Disabilities) Regulations 2014 (Regulations) came into effect on 25 April 2020.

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2020

LG Alert

I write to inform you of changes to infringement notices prescribed in legislation enforced by WA local governments.
People in waiting room - stock photo

Amendment to Regulation 9(1) of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007

LG Alert

As a result of queries from the sector, I am providing further clarification regarding the amendments made to regulation 9(1) of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007.
A person  writing with a pen

Lodgement of draft financial statements with your auditor by 30 September 2020

LG Alert

Local governments may be aware that the department is currently consulting with the sector on proposed amendments to the Financial Management Regulations that could affect 2019-20 financial statements.
Montage of people's faces on hexagon tiles

Universal Council Member Training

LG Alert

The Local Government Amendment Act 2019 has introduced the requirement for all council members to undertake Council Member Essentials training within the first 12 months of being elected.
A stock image of a group of people meeting in a boardroom

Electors’ special meetings during COVID-19

LG Alert

As you are aware, the Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 was passed by Parliament on 16 April 2020 and came into effect on 21 April 2020.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023