
Latest news from the department.

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Library shelves

Local government sector urged to take leadership role

LG Alert

The local government sector has a key role to play in the Phase 2 easing of restrictions and in helping communities get back on their feet and the economy back on track.
Staff member using office equipment

Financial assistance provided to local governments

LG Alert

WA Government makes $100 million borrowing facility available to local governments to assist with cash flow.

Amendments to Purchasing Policy

LG Alert

Local government purchasing policies in the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 to be amended.
Staff member using office equipment

Budget process

LG Alert

The Minister for Local Government is intending to make an Order using the new COVID-19 Response powers.
A person  writing with a pen

Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020

LG Alert

On 20 April 2020, the Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 received Royal Assent.

Upcoming regulation amendments for local governments

LG Alert

To continue to support local governments during the COVID-19 outbreak, the department is urgently progressing amendments to the following Local Government Regulations.

New intrastate travel restrictions from midnight, Tuesday 31 March 2020

LG Alert

To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the State Government will introduce further restrictions on travel within Western Australia from midnight Tuesday night (12.00am Wednesday morning).
Delivery truck

Public Authorities (Delivery of Goods and Collection of Rubbish and Refuse) Directions

LG Alert

Local governments have been providing assistance to ensure that goods can be delivered to shops in a timely manner.
A women teleconferencing on a computer

Electronic attendance at meetings

LG Alert

The department understands the challenges that local governments are facing in regard to social distancing and possible individual self-isolation in Western Australia.
A stock image of a group of people meeting in a boardroom

Meeting quorums

LG Alert

Some local governments are currently experiencing difficulty in achieving necessary meeting quorums.
Close up photo of two people working on a laptop

2019/2020 Budget Review

LG Alert

Under Regulation 33A of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 (FMR), between 1 January and 31 March in each financial year, a local government must carry out a review of its budget for that year.
Close up of 2 office workers checking a page on a clipboard

Significant matters reported by the auditor in an audit report

LG Alert

If the Auditor General or a local government’s appointed auditor reports a significant matter in an audit report, section 7.12A of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) requires a response from the local government.
A group of puppies

Proposed new laws to Stop Puppy Farming in WA

LG Alert

The State Government is progressing changes to the law to Stop Puppy Farming in Western Australia.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023