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Local Government Risk Profile

LG Alert

I am aware of concerns raised within the local government sector about the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries' Risk Profile and the way the department has communicated with the sector with regard to the profile.
Image of the MyCouncil website on a laptop

Smart Hub now accepting Annual Financial Reports and Grants Commission Returns

LG Alert

To reduce the reporting burden on local governments, audited Annual Financial Reports and Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission returns can now be submitted via online forms within Smart Hub.
An Aerial shot of the red centre roads in the Australian Outback - stock photo

Amendment to Regional Subsidiaries Regulations

LG Alert

Following an amendment to the Local Government (Regional Subsidiaries) Regulations 2017, a regional subsidiary is now permitted to conduct land transactions if they are necessary for pursuing a purpose specified in the subsidiary's charter or winding up the subsidiary.
Close up of 2 office workers checking a page on a clipboard

A Guide to Local Government Auditing Reforms

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has prepared a guide to inform local governments and auditors about the recent reforms to the conduct of local government audits.
The long and seemingly endless road of the Eyre Highway, better known as the Nullarbor

Local Government (Regional Subsidiaries) Regulations 2017

LG Alert

I am pleased to announce the introduction of the regional subsidiary model in Western Australia. This is a mechanism that local governments have sought for many years and the necessary changes have now been enacted.
Hand of a accounatant analysing line graph on computer screen

Budget Consideration in Rate Setting

LG Alert

As local governments commence their annual budget setting process for the 2017-18 financial year it is an opportune time for a reminder about how the budget process influences rating models.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023