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Lovers Cove in Albany, Western Australia

Regional Subsidiaries — Government Policy and Guidelines

LG Alert

I am pleased to announce the release of the policy and guidelines for the establishment of regional subsidiaries.
A closeup photo of the WA State Government coat of arms on Parliament House

Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019

LG Alert

​The Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019 has received Royal Assent with some of the amendments taking effect immediately. As such, all local governments need to take action now to ensure they continue to comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1995.
A woman writing on a post-it note on a whiteboard

Checking Status of Local Government Employees

LG Alert

The Auditor General has conducted a number of local government Performance Audits since the proclamation of the Local Government Amendment (Auditing) Act 2017.
Hand of a accounatant analysing line graph on computer screen

Local government auditing

LG Alert

Local governments are reminded of their audit reporting obligations under section 7.12A(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995.
Perth cityscape - stock photo

Review of parking local laws

LG Alert

In October 2018, the Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018 (TRPS Act) was passed by the Parliament of Western Australia and a number of reforms impacting parking local laws will come into effect on 2 July 2019.
WA State Parliament

Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 2019

LG Alert

Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
WA State Parliament

Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 2019

LG Alert

​In June 2017, the McGowan Government announced a review of the Local Government Act 1995 (LG Act).
A stock image of a group of people meeting in a boardroom

Safe work places in local government

LG Alert

Minister Templeman recently spoke of his concerns about a trend of bullying and abuse in the local government sector against elected members, CEO’s and other staff.
Two people sitting in front of their caravan

Impact of SAT decision on park homes and park home park licences

LG Alert

A recent decision of the State Administrative Tribunal has significant implications in relation to what constitutes a park home.
Albany wind farm

Ministerial Circular 04 2018

LG Alert

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, it is timely to reflect on a busy 2018 and what promises to be an equally busy 2019.
WA State Parliament

Local Government Regulations Amendment (Recovery of Advanced Payments) Regulations 2018

LG Alert

​On 4 December 2018, the Executive Council approved amendments to the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.
Close up of 2 office workers checking a page on a clipboard

Local Government Amendment (Suspension and Dismissal) Act 2018

LG Alert

​The Local Government Amendment (Suspension and Dismissal) Act 2018 has received Royal Assent with the amendments taking effect from 20 November 2018.
Image of a cat sitting on a dogs head

Colour of cat and dog registration tags

LG Alert

​Local governments are advised that the Minister for Local Government’s order, dated 8 October 2018, specifying the colour of the registration tags for cats and dogs for the next 16 registration periods was published in the Government Gazette Issue No. 156 (p. 4096) on 16 October 2018. A copy of the Notice of the order is attached.
Happy Young Australian Aboriginal Girl Learning to Sing and Dance to a Song - stock photo

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recognition

LG Alert

Acknowledgement and recognition of Western Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the traditional owners of our nation, is an important part of progressing towards the goal of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Hand of a accounatant analysing line graph on computer screen

Guide to Local Government Auditing Reforms

LG Alert

Following engagement with the sector, the Department has revised the Guide to Local Government Auditing Reforms which includes a number of amendments that affect local governments.
Close up of 2 office workers checking a page on a clipboard

Suspension and Dismissal Amendment Bill 2018

LG Alert

Today I introduced into Parliament the Local Government Amendment (Suspension and Dismissal) Bill 2018.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023