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CEO recruitment and termination

LG Alert

Local government councils must approve, by absolute majority, appointments to the position of chief executive officer (CEO) and their employment contracts.
A presenter standing at a lecturn engaging an audience

Guidance on council and committee meetings updated

LG Alert

Guidance material on council and committee meetings has been updated to better support the establishment and operation of committees in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995.
Group of people on a business meeting

Standardised meeting procedures consultation now open

LG Alert

A 3-month consultation period is now open to inform the development of new regulations and guidance materials to standardise local government council and meeting procedures in WA.
Local Government Act changes

Local government reform webinar 8

LG Alert

Please join us for our first local government reform webinar for this year.
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Feedback on 2022-23 model financial statements

LG Alert

Local government financial and accounting officers are invited to provide feedback on the model financial statements and guidance material we provided for 2022-23.
High angle view of currency and calculator on table - stock photo

Local government guidance: undertaking your next prescribed budget review

LG Alert

Regulation 33A of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations now requires local governments to undertake a review of their 2023-24 annual budget no earlier than 31 December 2023 and no later than 29 February 2024.
Mature man working at home. He has a laptop and is writing on a document at the table.

Council member mandatory training requirements

LG Alert

Local governments must organise for new council members to undertake mandatory training.

Stop Puppy Farming — consultation closing soon

LG Alert

Local governments, community members, animal rehoming services, vet practices and other stakeholders are encouraged to have their say on proposed new Dog and Cat Regulations before public consultation closes on 5pm 20 November 2023.
Australian flag

Flying of flags: Remembrance Day

LG Alert

Remembrance Day is a day of special significance, commemorating the loss of Australian lives in all wars, conflicts and peace operations.
Maylands streetscape at dusk

Alternative King's Birthday Public Holiday Date 2024

LG Alert

The Governor has declared that the Celebration Day for the Anniversary of the Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign (King’s Birthday public holiday) will be observed in 2024 on Monday 23 September.
Local Government Act changes

Local government reform webinar 7

LG Alert

Please join us for our monthly reform webinar.
Australian flag

Flying of flags: State funeral for Hon. William (Bill) George Hayden

LG Alert

A State Funeral Service for the Honourable William (Bill) George Hayden AC will take place at 9.00 am AWST on Friday 3 November 2023 at St Mary’s Church, Elizabeth Street, Ipswich, Queensland.

Preparing for your new council’s first meeting

LG Alert

Local governments will need to prepare for their first Council meeting post election.
Close up of a calculator and financial information on a page

Guidance on reporting credit card and purchasing card transactions

LG Alert

From 1 September 2023, local governments are required to disclose information about each transaction made on a credit card, debit card or other purchasing cards.
High angle view of a townscape against sky during sunset

Third set of local government regulation amendments

LG Alert

The State Government has brought in the next set of local government regulation amendments with the Local Government Regulation Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2023.
A local Christmas pagent with community members in a crowd

Placemaking webinar

LG Alert

DLGSC has engaged the Town Team Movement to deliver free placemaking training for the whole local government sector in WA.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023