
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Report cover:  Concentric Circles - Guidance for Trails Tourism Close to Perth - May 2-24

Concentric Circles — Guidance for Trails Tourism Close to Perth

The Concentric Circles report, prepared by TRC Tourism on behalf of DLGSC applies a Concentric Circle Trails Study Methodology to develop a roadmap which will guide trail destination management and domestic trail visitation into the future.

Key priorities cover

Minister for Sport and Recreation Key Priorities 2023-25

Sport and active recreation play an essential role in strengthening WA communities.

Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Creating a safer WA for children and young people

Arts, cultural, sport, recreation and community organisations have an ethical and legal responsibility to protect children from harm.

Sport and Recreation Industry Priorities cover

Sport and Recreation Industry Priorities

Project overview and context piece

Strategic Directions: 2020-2023 cover

Strategic Directions: 2020—2023

The department's strategic directions.

Impact assessment

Impact assessment

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Organisational priorities

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Resource review

Resource review

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Scenario mapping

Scenario mapping

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Risk assessment

Risk assessment

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Recovery plan

Recovery plan

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Volunteer Management Guide cover

Volunteer Management Guide

A guide to better recruiting, retaining and managing volunteers within sport and recreation organisations.

Passport into schools

Passport into schools — linking sports with schools

The guide is primarily for sport development officers.

Climate Change cover

Climate Change: Climate change is no longer just a concept

How climate change could affect sport and recreation now and in the future.

C:\Users\gwhite\DLGSC\DLGSC Website - Documents\Content\Images\Gender Diversity Case for Change cover

Gender Diversity Case for Change

The case for gender balanced leadership in sport and recreation

Contestant Safety Strategy to Address Rapid Weight Loss (Weight Cutting) by Dehydration cover

Contestant Safety Strategy to Address Rapid Weight Loss (Weight Cutting) by Dehydration

Weight cutting is a dangerous practice often inappropriately undertaken in combat sports.

Two Year Action Plan for Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries 2019-20 cover

Two Year Action Plan for Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries 2019-20

To make Western Australia a world class arts, cultural, sport and Aboriginal tourism destination.

Sports dimensions guide

In Australia there are currently many exciting new developments in the provision of sport and recreation facilities such as indoor aquatic play areas. There is also a demand for traditional sports playing areas and facilities.

Needs Assessment Guide cover

Needs Assessment Guide

A needs assessment is the vital first step in the planning process for a facility. This guide will assist facility planners in determining whether a proposed facility is needed by the community.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023